lauantai 25. kesäkuuta 2016


365! That is the number of days I’ve been travelling so far. 365 days ago I left my home country Finland behind and started my big journey. Journey that has been one hell of a ride! Malaysia, Indonesia and now Australia. I must say that I’ve honoured the name of my blog pretty well as at first my plan was to come straight to Oz but as you know it didn’t quite happen like that.

I have confronted many ups and downs. I’ve been in situations I’ve never thought of being. I have found myself lost in the middle of nowhere but I have survived. Even when been lost I have found something good in those moments. I've found something in me. I’ve learned. Heck I slept in a living room of a local house in Indonesia and enjoyed their hospitality after bus driver happily informed me that this is my last stop. Moment that I never forget among all the other great moments. There are so amazing people all over the world. I’ve been blessed to meet at least a tiny amount of those this world carries. Nature. I’ve seen many sunsets with a surrounding that looks almost unreal. I’ve climbed volcanos in the middle of a pitch dark night to witness the most beautiful sunrises this Mother Earth offers. I’ve seen how people can destroy nature. How people can destroy themselves. I’ve experienced history, culture, art, food, people, everything I can imagine. World is such a big playground but during my travels I’ve also learned that distances really don’t matter. Just go! It’s our playground and it’s ours to enjoy!

Cliché or not but that really isn't bullshit when people tell that you just can’t understand certain things if you don’t travel first. There are things you just have to experience to understand and feel them. And to do so you really need different kind of travel than 2 weeks in Bulgaria’s Sunny Beach. You really need to back your stuff and start wandering. And that reminds me of another cliché quote but yet it’s so much true. “Not all who wander are lost"

After all this being said, after 365 best days of my life, I still crave for more. 

And more will I see :) Going with the flow and takki auki!

Enjoying the Queensland winter at Surfers Paradise in Gold Coast. Eyes at the future and all the surprises it will bring to me!

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